Growing Size Of Coaching Profession
"Everyone needs a coach. Every famous performer has somebody who's a coach, somebody who can watch what they are doing and say, ‘is that what you really meant’, give them perspective. The one thing people are never good at, is seeing themselves as others see them. A coach really really helps." ~Google CEO Eric Shmidt in an interview on CNN.

This note got triggered while I was innocuously browsing through facebook newsfeed and happened to notice a blog shared by one of my connections.
The title was instantly eye grabbing - "How Quitting My Corporate Job For My Startup Dream F*cked My Life Up" !!
I had quit my corporate career in 2011 and had some of my own experiences and it is no wonder that the title attracted my attention. As I read, I resonated with everything written by Ali Mese, the author of the above blog and it brought back the memories of situations I experienced.
I decided to share Ali's blog and once I did that, I could not stop adding my comments to elaborate on what I had experienced. Soon my comments took on a life of their own and I decided to pen these musings and capture them in one place.

If you are reading this, chances are that you have faced this question either yourself or from someone to you.

The field of Neuro Linuistic Programming (NLP) has been explained in many different ways by many different people. A simple search on internet will throw up millions of results.
More often than not, you would tend to get lost in the stream of jargon and abstract explanations, which - at best would be ineffective in communicating any idea about this field and at its worst, it might be downright useless and incorrect.

Often we find ourselves using the "Why" question in our conversations, personal or professional. More often than not, this why question then leads to escalating tension in the conversation.
The assignment did not complete on time. Why? I forgot your birthday. Why?
Here is what one must understand about the "Why" question and what one can do about it.