The 3rd mistake made by Life Coaches & NLP trainers, which is absolutely lethal for their credibility - is to make an unsolicited pitch for their services or pop up the benefits of their services during conversations which are absolutely unrelated.

2nd Fatal Mistake Life Coaches & NLP Trainers Make Which Can Crush The Life Out Of Their Business !!
The 2nd ABSOLUTELY FATAL mistake Life Coaches & NLP trainers make is - NOT charging for their services.

Life coaching & the field of NLP are both abstract subjects. When introducing youself & your craft in either of these 2 fields, your prospective client, if they are not already aware of your field, is not going to understand anything from the name of this field & will ask you what these fields are about.
Someone suggested me to find out what other NLP trainers in India are doing to decide how I want to market my trainings.
My Response - " That is the fastest way to kill your training business & kiss it goodbye !! "
Want to know why? Read on...

Grief, to me, is a strange emotion. I did not experience it when my relatives, died. Not even when my parents died. I would never have been able to claim to even understand this emotion until last week.